
Conference Announcement | Program: Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Poster Session-1 / Poster Session-2 | Opening Lecture | Invited Lectures of the LSC 2017 Conference



Invited Lectures at LSC 2017

Uncertainty Assessment in Liquid Scintillation Counting

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA
Water-based and Metal-doped Liquid Scintillator for Neutrino Physics

Prof. Minfang YEH
Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA
IAEA’s ALMERA Effort Towards Harmonization of Radioanalytical Procedures: Development and Validation of a Rapid Procedure for Simultaneous Determination of 89Sr and 90Sr in Soil Samples Using Cerenkov and Liquid Scintillation Counting

Mr. Aurelien PITOIS
IAEA Environment Laboratories, International Atomic Energy Agency
Automation of the radiochemical procedures for the sequential separation of mixed radionuclides for their LSC measurement

Dr. Kun Ho CHUNG
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, South Korea
Comparison of several methods for measuring 222Rn in drinking water

Dr. Luis Pujol
Centro de Estudios y Experimentación de Obras Públicas (CEDEX), Spain
Rapid on-site screening of aqueous waste streams using dip stick technology & liquid scintillation counting

Prof. Phillip WARWICK
University of Southampton, National Oceanography Centre, UK
Plastic scintillators and related analytical proposals for radionuclide analysis

Prof. José F. GARCIA
University of Barcelona, Spain
Tritium analysis strategy regarding activity concentration levels in monitoring situations

Dr. Nicolas BAGLAN
Adaptation of PTB’s analytical modelling for TDCR-Cherenkov activity measurements at LNE-LNHB

Dr. Cheick THIAM
Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel, CEA, France
The comparison of scintillation properties of YAP:Ce, YAG:Ce and ZnO:Ga powders as a potential substitution of liquid scintillation cocktail

Dr. Jiri JANDA
University of Defence, NBC Defence Institute, Czech Republic
Computational modeling of organic fluor molecules

Mr. Nathaniel J. NICHOLS
Clemson University, USA
LSC for the measurements of radon and its decay products

Prof. Chałupnik Stanisław
Central Mining Institute (GIG), Poland

Overview – Program of the LSC 2017 Conference

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8:00 Registration 8:00 Breakfast 8:00 Breakfast 8:00 Breakfast 8:00 Breakfast
Opening Session Nuclear chemistry Natural radionuclides and other topics Plastic scintillator Tritium studies
9:00 Welcome speech 8:30 Invited talk 8:30 Invited talk 8:30 Invited talk 8:30 Invited talk
8:55 Oral 8:55 Oral 8:55 Oral 8:55 Oral
9:10 Oral 9:10 Oral 9:10 Oral 9:10 Oral
9:40 Opening lecture 9:25 Oral 9:25 Oral 9:25 Oral 9:25 Oral
9:40 Oral 9:40 Oral 9:40 Oral 9:40 Oral
9:55 Oral 9:55 Oral 9:55 Oral 9:55 Oral
10:10 Oral 10:10 Oral 10:10 Oral 10:10 Oral
10:25 Coffee Break 10:25 Coffee Break 10:25 Coffee Break 10:25 Coffee Break 10:25 Coffee Break
New development and spectrum analysis-1 Metrology and quality assurance-1 Metrology and quality assurance-2 Environmental radioactivity-2 Environmental radioactivity-3
10:45 Invited talk 10:45 Invited talk 10:45 Invited talk 10:45 Invited talk 10:45 Invited talk
11:10 Oral 11:10 Oral 11:10 Oral 11:10 Oral 11:10 Oral
11:25 Oral 11:25 Oral 11:25 Oral 11:25 Oral 11:25 Oral
11:40 Oral 11:40 Oral 11:40 Oral 11:40 Oral 11:40 Oral
11:55 Oral 11:55 Oral 11:55 Oral 11:55 Oral 11:55 Oral
12:10 Oral 12:10 Oral 12:10 Oral 12:10 Oral 12:10 Close ceremony
12:25 Lunch 12:25 Lunch 12:25 Lunch 12:25 Lunch 12:40 Lunch
Registration/Reception Neutrino and neutron detection New development and spectrum analysis-2 Social activity Medicine and other topics
15:00-18:00 Registration 13:40 Invited talk 13:40 Invited talk 13:40-17:30 Tour to Hamlet castle 13:40 Invited talk
14:05 Oral 14:05 Oral 14:05 Oral
14:20 Oral 14:20 Oral 14:20 Oral
14:35 Oral 14:35 Oral 14:35 Oral
14:50 Oral 14:50 Oral 14:50 Oral
15:05 Oral 15:05 Oral 15:05 Oral
15:20 Oral 15:20 Oral 15:20 Oral
15:35 Oral 15:35 Oral 15:35 Oral
15:50 Coffee Break 15:50 Oral 15:50 Oral
Environmental radioactivity-1 16:05 Coffee Break 16:05 Coffee Break
16:00-18:00 Reception 16:10 Invited
16:35 Oral 16:20-17:40 Poster session-1 16:20-17:40 Poster session-2
16:50 Oral
16:00-17:00 Concert by Zapolski Strings 17:05 Oral
17:20 Oral
17:35 Coffee Break 17:40 Coffee Break
18:00-20:00 Workshop-1 18:00-20:00 Workshop-2 18:00-22:00 Conference dinner (Tivoli)

Monday – Program of the LSC 2017 Conference

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8:00-9:00 Registration
Opening Session
(Chaired by Prof. Xiaolin Hou
9:00 Welcome speech HOU Xiaolin Technical University of Denmark Denmark
LYNOV Jens-Peter Technical University of Denmark Denmark
9:20 Nielsen Sven Technical University of Denmark Denmark Six decades of environmental-radioactivity measurements
9:40 Opening lecture Dr. Karsten Kossert Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Germany Radionuclide metrology using LSC: Current status and limitations
10:25 Coffee Break
Session: New development on LSC instrumentation methodology, scintillator and spectrum analysis-1
(Chaired by: Dr. Philippe Cassette, France and Prof. Chunli Liu, China)
Time ID Title Author Affiliation Country Presentation Title
10:45 166 Dr. JANDA Jiri (invited) University of Defence, NBC Defence Inst. Czech Republic The comparison of scintillation properties of YAP:Ce, YAG:Ce and ZnO:Ga powders as a potential substitution of liquid scintillation cocktail
11:10 130 Prof. OMTVEDT Jon Petter University of Oslo, Dep. of Chemistry, P.O. Box 1033 – Blindern, NO-0315 Oslo Norway On-line LS Spectroscopy of Super-heavy Elements
11:25 113 Dr. FENG Xiao-gui Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology, Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Nuclear China A performance comparison of two liquid scintillation counters from PerkinElmer, Inc.
11:40 126 Dr. MITEV Krasimir Sofia University, St. Kliment Ohridski, Faculty of Physic Bulgaria Design and performance of a miniature TDCR counting system
11:55 170 Prof. DEVOL Timothy A Dep. of Environmental Engineering and Earth Science, Clemson University USA New pyrazoline fluorophores for more efficient organic scintillators
12:10 147 Mr. WANG Yadong China Inst. for Radiation Protection China Effect of sodium salicylate on the determination of Pb-210/Bi-210 and Ra-228/Ac-228 by Cerenkov counting
12:25 Lunch
Session: LSC in neutrino and neutron detection
(Chaired by: Dr. Xiongxin Dai, Canada and Dr. Sven P. Nielsen, Denmark)
13:40 226 Dr. YEH Minfang (invited) Brookhaven National Laboratory Tour to Hamlet castle USA Water-based and Metal-doped Liquid Scintillator for Neutrino Detection
14:05 175 Dr. DAI Xiongxin China Inst. for Radiation Protection China Boron-10 and Lithium-6 Loaded Scintillator for Neutron Detection
14:20 122 Dr. BERGERON Denis Physical Measurement Lab., Nat. Inst. of Standards and Technology USA Phase stability and lithium loading capacity in a liquid scintillation cocktail
14:35 173 Prof. FAN Tieshuan Inst. for Heavy Ion Physics, School of Physics, Peking Uni. China The Deuterium-Deuterium neutron time-of-flight spectrometer at EAST tokamak
14:50 291 Prof. LIU Hongjie Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics China Liquid Scintillator Neutron Detection System for Fast-ignition
15:05 218 Dr. TIAN Lianpeng Queens University Canada Synthesis and Characterization of Organic Tellurium Compounds for SNO+ Liquid Scintillator
15:20 161 Mr. BEAUMONT Jonathan S. International Atomic Energy Agency Austria A Fast-neutron Coincidence Collar Using Liquid Scintillators for Fresh Fuel Verification
15:35 228 Prof. ZHANG Xiaodong School of Nuclear Science and Technology, Lanzhou Uni. China Next-Generation, Micron-order Resolution Neutron Imaging with Gel Scintillator Filled Glass Capillary Arrays
15:50 Coffee Break
Session: Application in environmental radioactivity-1
(Chaired by Prof. Gabriele Wallner, Austria and Dr. Jost Eikenberg, Switzerland)
16:10 123 Dr. PITOIS Aurelien (invited) International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA Environment Lab. Austria IAEA’s ALMERA Effort Towards Harmonization of Radioanalytical Procedures: Development and Validation of a Rapid Procedure for Simultaneous Determination of 89Sr and 90Sr in Soil Samples Using Cerenkov and Liquid Scintillation Counting
16:35 142 Dr. KIM Hyuncheol Environmental Radioactivity Assessment Team, Korea Atomic Energy Research Inst. Korea Determination of radiostrontium in seawater using automated separation system at routine and emergency situation
16:50 135 Dr. LANDSTETTER Claudia Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety Ltd. Austria Tritium and Gross Alpha and Beta Measurements performed for the Official Radioactivity Monitoring in Austria
17:05 141 Dr. BRAEKERS Damien IRE Elit Belgium Rapid analysis of 90Sr and 99Tc in low active effluent using extraction disks: the advantages of the use of liquid scintillation counting
17:20 035 Mr. MASHABA M. Northwest University, CARST South Africa Gross Alpha – Beta Measurements of Water Samples from Wonderfonteinspruit Catchment Area in the Gauteng Province South Africa using LSC
17:35 Coffee Break
Hidex Workshop:Hidex – Serving LSC Community, How to Get the Most out of Your TDCR triple Coincidence Detector
18:00-20:00 Dr. EIKENBERG Jost Paul Sherrer Institute Switzerland Practical approach to TDCR – theory, how to use TDCR on different applications, advantages and limitations (Invited speaker, open)
296 Mr. JUVONEN Risto Hidex Finland Triple Coincidence Detector facilitating Luminescence Free Counting of H-3 (Risto Juvonen, product manager, Hidex)
297 Mr. JUVONEN Risto Hidex Finland Optimization of alpha/beta separation conditions using 2D Graphical tool (Risto Juvonen, product manager, Hidex)

Tuesday – Program of the LSC 2017 Conference

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Session: LSC in nuclear chemistry (decommissioning , waste processing and nuclear materials)
(Chaired by: Prof. Nora Vajda, Hungary and Prof. Phil E. Warwick, UK)
Time ID Title Author Affiliation Country Presentation Title
08:30 235 Prof. WARWICK Phillip (invited) University of Southampton UK Rapid on-site screening of aqueous waste streams using dip stick technology & liquid scintillation counting
08:55 082 Prof. VAJDA Nóra RADANAL Ltd. Hungary Validation of radiochemical methods for the determination of difficult-to-measure nuclides using LSC
09:10 184 Mr. SHERROD Maxwell Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC USA Rapid Method for the Determination of Sr-90 in Steel and Concrete Samples
09:25 248 Dr. MARSH Richard Raddec Intl. Ltd /GAU-Radioanalytical UK A new bomb-combustion system for tritium extraction
09:40 286 Dr. BRENNETOT René Den – Service d’Etudes Analytiques et de Réactivité des Surfaces (SEARS), CEA, Université Paris-Sacla France Application of LSC for 3H, 14C, 36Cl, 41Ca and 63Ni determination in various matrix from nuclear waste
09:55 149 Dr. SHI Keliang Radiochemistry Lab, School of Nuclear Science and Technology, Lanzhou Uni. China Determination of technetium-99 in UO2 samples using liquid extraction separation and LSC measurement
10:10 106 Dr. BAGÁN Héctor Universitat de Barcelona. Spain PSresins for the characterization of nuclear wastes: application to 126Sn and 63Ni
10:25 Coffee Break
Session: Radionuclides metrology using LSC, standardization and quality assurance-1
(Chaired by Dr. Brian E. Zimmerman USA and Prof. Leifeng Cao, China)
10:45 105 Dr. THIAM Cheick (invited) CEA, LIST, Lab. National Henri Becquerel (LNE-LNHB) France Adaptation of PTB’s analytical modelling for TDCR-Cherenkov activity measurements at LNE-LNHB
11:10 104 Dr. KOSSERT Karsten Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Germany Primary activity standardization of 134Cs
11:25 270 Dr. MARGANIEC-GALAZKA Ju Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Germany Activity determination of 88Y by means of 4Pi(LS)Beta-Gamma coincidence counting
11:40 211 Mr. LIU HaoRan National Institute of Metrology China Standardization of Na-22 by the CIEMAT/NIST method
11:55 269 Mr. KELLETT Mark A. CEA, LIST, Lab. National Henri Becquerel (LNE-LNHB) France The use of recommended decay data from the DDEP for activity determinations using LSC
12:10 134 Dr. VAN ROOY Milton NMISA South Africa First absolute standardization of 18F at NMISA via 4π (LS)β-γ counting for SIRTI comparison
12:25 Lunch
Session: New development on LSC instrumentation methodology, scintillator and spectrum analysis-2
(Chaired by Dr. Jean Aupiais, France and Prof. Jon Petter Omtvedt, Norway)
13:40 136 Mr. NICHOLS Nathaniel J. (invited) Environmental Eng. and Earth Sciences, Clemson University USA Computational modeling of organic fluor molecules
14:05 181 Prof. KIM Hong Joo Dep. of Physics, Kyungpook National University Korea Development of multifunctional digital pulse processing module for particle identification in liquid scintillator
14:20 205 Dr. Ryszard Broda NCBJ RC POLATOM Poland An influence of the TDCR system settings on the radionuclides standardization
14:35 243 Dr. BORRAS Antoni University of the Balearic Islands Spain Design and development of a miniaturized detector for radionuclide determination in automated flow systems
14:50 194 Dr. BÉLIER Gilbert CEA, DAM, DIF, DPTA Centre du Grand rue France Use of active scintillating targets in nuclear physics experiments – measurement of spontaneous fission
15:05 305 Prof. LIU Shenye Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics China Fabrication and characterization of low afterglow liquid scintillator
15:20 168 Mr. FONS-CASTELLS Jordi Lab. of Environmental Radioactivity of the Uni. of Barcelona Spain Combination methods for rapid determination of mixtures of alpha and beta emitters in water samples
15:35 237 Mr. LEE Ukjae Ulsan National Inst. of Science and Technology Korea Multiple Beta Spectrum Analysis Method Based on Spectrum Fitting
15:50 139 Prof. WU Wangsuo Radiochemistry Lab., Lanzhou University China A method for 237Np determination with liquid scintillation counting in the experiment of neptunium sorption onto bentonite
16:05 Coffee Break
16:20-17:40 Poster session-1
Sessions New development on LSC instruments, scintillators and spectrum analysis;
Radionuclides metrology and quality assurance;
LSC for Neutrino and neutron detection;
LSC in Nuclear chemistry;
Plastic scintillator and application
(Chaired by Dr. Jixin Qiao, Denmark)
17:40 Coffee Break
18:00-20:00 PerkinElmer Workshop: Advances in Ultra low level detection and alpha beta separation
Presentation-1 PerkinElmer GCT technology combined with BGO guard background reduction to accurately measure down to near-background levels
Presentation-2 PerkinElmer Dual PSA Discriminators to categorize marginal events for optimal Alpha Beta separation and improved quality metric

Wednesday – Program of the LSC 2017 Conference

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Session: Application in natural radionuclides measurements and other topics
(Chaired by Dr. Siegurd Möbius, Germany and Dr. Dennis Ringkjøbing Elema, Denmark )
Time ID Title Author Affiliation Country Presentation Title
08:30 275 Prof. Chałupnik Stanisław (Invited) Central Mining Institute (GIG) Poland LSC for the measurements of radon and its decay products
08:55 252 Prof. MATHUTHU Manny North-West University (Mafikeng) South Africa Determination of Lead isotope ratios for Nuclear Forensic signatures from uranium mine products in South Africa
09:10 114 Dr. BANU Ozden Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Ege Uni. Turkey Evaluation of Methods for the Determination of 210Pb and 210Po in Ca-rich Ash Samples
09:25 262 Prof. JULL A J Timothy University of Arizona USA Studies of anthropogenic Iodine-129 using accelerator mass spectrometry in corals and ocean water
09:40 036 Dr. QIAO Jixin DTU Nutech, Center for Nuclear Technologies Denmark Development of radiochemical methods at DTU Nutech, Denmark
09:55 145 Prof. CAO Leifeng Laser Fusion Research Center, CAEP China Simulation of neutron encode imaging with liquid scintillator filled capillary array
10:10 278 Ms. CHOUDHURY Dibyasree Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics India Estimation of ɑ emitting polonium radionuclides in proton irradiated lead bismuth targets by LSC-TD
10:25 Coffee Break
Session: Radionuclides metrology using LSC, standardization and quality assurance-2
(Chaired by Dr. Karsten Kossert, Germany and Prof. Timothy Jull, USA)
10:45 283 Dr. ZIMMERMAN Brian (invited) Physical Measurement Lab., National Institute of Standards and Technology USA Uncertainty Assessment in Liquid Scintillation Counting
11:10 203 Dr. CASSETTE Philippe CEA, LIST Lab. National Henri Becquerel (LNE-LNHB) France With a little bit of effort, manufacturers could make better LS counters, even suitable for radionuclide metrology!
11:25 129 Dr. PUJOL Luis Centro de Estudios y Exp. de Obras Públicas (CEDEX) Spain Implementation of ISO/IEC 17025 in a low level liquid scintillation tritium laboratory
11:40 284 Dr. CAPOGNI Marco ENEA National Institute of Ionizing Radiation Metrology Italy Bilateral comparison of C-14 activity measurements at the NCBJ RC POLATOM and the ENEA-INMRI
11:55 223 Dr. VERREZEN Freddy Belgian Nuclear Research Center (SCK-CEN) Belgium Long-term performance of liquid scintillation laboratory of LRM, SCK•CEN
12:10 236 Dr. GACA Pawel University of Southampton UK LSC calibration stability over long timescales
12:25 Lunch
13:40-17:30 Social activity—
Tour to Hamlet castle
18:00-22:00 Conference dinner
(Tivoli )

Thursday – Program of the LSC 2017 Conference

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Session: Plastic scintillator and application
(Chaired by Prof. Jose F. Garcia and Dr. Alex Tarancon, Spain)
Time ID Title Author Affiliation Country Presentation Title
08:30 165 Dr. GARCIA Jose F. (invited) Dept. Chemical Engineering and Analytical Chemistry. Uni. of Barcelona Spain Plastic scintillators and related analytical proposals for radionuclide analysis.
08:55 124 Dr. ETSUKO Furuta Ochanomizu University Japan Measurement of tritium with plastic scintillators in large vials of a low background LSC -an organic waste-less method
09:10 154 Dr. MITEV Krasimir Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski Bulgaria Synthesis and characterisation of scintillating microspheres made of polystyrene/polycarbonate for 222Rn measurements
09:25 169 Prof. DEVOL Timothy A Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences Dep., Clemson Uni. USA Development of stable extractive scintillating materials for quantification of radiostrontium in aqueous solutions
09:40 190 Mr. BAE Jun Woo Ulsan National Inst. of Science and Technology Korea Development of continuous inflow tritium in water measurement technology by using electrolysis and plastic scintillator
09:55 207 Ms. SAEZ-MUÑOZ Marina Lab. de Radiactividad Ambiental. Uni. Politècnica de Valènc Spain 89Sr/90Sr determination in milk in emergency situations by using PSresins
10:10 225 Dr. DEAKIN Tom Deakin The University of Sheffield UK Development of low cost per unit area plastic scintillator materials for radiation detection and monitoring applications
10:25 Coffee Break
Session: Application in environmental radioactivity-2
(Chaired by Mr. Aurelien Pitois, IAEA and Prof. Mikael Jensen, Denmark)
10:45 128 Dr. LLUIS Pujol (invited) Centro de Estudios y Exp. de Obras Públicas (CEDEX) Spain Comparison of several methods for measuring 222Rn in drinking water
11:10 267 Prof. LIU Chunli College of Chemistry & Molecular Engineering, Peking Uni. China Application of LSC Techniques in Environmental Radiochemistry Research in China
11:25 150 Dr. ASLAN Nazife Turkish Atomic Energy Auth., Sarayköy Nuclear Research and Training Center Turkey Adsorptive Removal of Lead-210 Using Hydroxyapatite Nanopowders Prepared From Phosphogypsum Waste
11:40 167 Dr. KRAJCAR BRONIC Ines Ruđer Bošković Institute Croatia Experience after 10 years of monitoring 14C in the vicinity of the Nuclear Power Plant KrÅ¡ko, Slove
11:55 178 Ms. VOS VAN AVEZATHE A. RIKILT Wageningen University & Research The Netherlands Comparison study on low-level Sr-90 measurements for the Dutch food monitoring program
12:10 185 Dr. RIDONE Sandro ENEA – Radiation Protection Inst. – Integrated Lab. of Radioactivity Measurement and Monit Italy Determination of 90Sr and 89Sr in water and urine samples by chemical separation and Cherenkov count
12:25 Lunch
Session: Application in medicine and other topics
(Chaired by Dr. Mats Eriksson, Sweden and Dr. Steffen Happel, France)
13:40 306 Prof. JENSEN Mikael DTU Nutech, Center for Nuclear Technologies Denmark Liquid Scintillation Counting in Quality Control of PET radiopharmaceuticals
14:00 025 Prof. HOU Xiaolin DTU Nutech, Center for Nuclear Technologies Denmark LSC for quality control of 99mTc eluate from 99Mo-99mTc generator
14:20 285 Prof. GREIFE Uwe Department of Physics, Colorado School of Mines USA Functionalization of Polymers with Fluorescent and Neutron Sensitive Groups for Efficient Neutron and Gamma Detection
14:35 255 Ms. KHUMALO Ntokozo North-West University (Mafikeng) South Africa A comparison of LSC and Isotopic Techniques in Resolving Nuclear Forensic Signatures in Uranium Mini
14:50 296 Mr. JUVONEN Risto HIDEX Oy Finland Luminescence free counting of H-3 facilitated by Hidex 300 SL/600 SL TDCR triple coincidence counter
15:05 297 Mr. HAASLAHTI Ville HIDEX Oy Finland Optimization of a/b separation using 2D graphical tool
15:20 300 Mr. SERRALUNGA Michel ZINSSER ANALYTIC GMBH Germany Alternative technical solutions for L.S.Counting of low activities environmental samples
15:35 132 Dr. EDLER Ronald PerkinElmer Germany Measurement of Tritium, gross alpha/beta and 222Rn with the new Quantulus GCT 6220 according to council directive 2013/51 Euratom
16:05 Coffee Break
16:20-17:40 Poster session-2
Sessions Application environmental radioactivity;
Application in medicine;
Application in tritium studies;
LSC for natural radionuclides measurement;
Applications based on alpha/beta spectrometry and other topics
(Chaired by Dr. Kasper Andersson)

Friday – Program of the LSC 2017 Conference

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Session: Application in tritium studies
(Chaired by Dr. Nicolas Baglan, France and Dr. Per Roos, Denmark)
Time ID Title Author Affiliation Country Presentation Title
08:30 271 Dr. BAGLAN Nicolas (invited) CEA/DAM/DIF France Tritium analysis strategy regarding activity concentration levels in monitoring situations.
08:55 117 Dr. ETSUKO Furuta Ochanomizu University Japan Apparatus for measurement of tritium in expiration with plastic scintillator
09:10 213 Dr. VARLAM Carmen Tritium Lab., Inst. for Cryogenics and Isotopic Technologies ICSI Romania Homogeneity Assessment for Grass Items from Organically Bound Tritium Proficiency Test
09:25 176 Ms. GOMES Ana RIta Instituto Superior Técnico, Uni. de Lisboa Portugal Determination of tritium in water using isotopic enrichment. Methodology improvements.
09:40 182 Ms. XU Qinghua Inst. of Materials, China Academy of Engineering Physics China A new efficiency measuring way for the liquid scintillation counting method
09:55 231 Mr. CHEN Qianyuan Radiation Monitoring Technical Center, Ministry of Environmental Protection China Quench correction in the analysis of Organic Bonded Tritium (OBT) in biota samples
10:10 180 Dr. KOŽAR LOGAR Jasmina University of Yaoundé I, Faculty of Science Cameroon Tritium content in tissue free water (TFWT) in African coconuts
10:25 Coffee Break
Session: Application in environmental radioactivity-3
(Chaired by Prof. Stanisław Chałupnik, Poland and Dr. Mun Ja Kang, Korea)
10:45 281 Dr. CHUNG Kun Ho (invited) Environmental Radioactivity Assessment Team, Korea Atomic Energy Research Inst. Korea Automation of the radiochmical procedures for the sequential separation of radionuclides
11:10 272 Mr. JEROME Simon Mark National Physical Laboratory UK Determination of 242mAm by Extraction Chromatography and Liquid Scintillation Counting
11:25 277 Dr. ROOS Per DTU Nutech, Center for Nuclear Technologies Denmark A comparison of methodologies in analysing 210Pb-210Bi-210Po
11:40 201 Ms. MULLINS Sarah Department of Health Australia The comparison of two liquid scintillation instruments for analysis of highly quenched samples.
11:55 245 Dr. NODILO Marijana Rudjer Boskovic Inst. Croatia Subsequent determination of 90Sr and 210Pb in goat bones samples from Island of Mljet, Croatia
12:10 Close Ceremony
12:25 Lunch

Poster Session-1 – Program of the LSC 2017 Conference

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Poster Session-2 – Program of the LSC 2017 Conference

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